FVN's Clients Creating Solutions To Our New Normal
Right now as businesses, facilities and customers try and navigate
this “new normal”, Facility Vendor Network is working hard to help
implement creative and innovative solutions to make this transition
safe and easy for everyone. Facility Vendor Network provides venues,
facilities and arenas resources to help you manage reopening. FVN is
dedicated to creating vendor relationships for facilities to reopen.
Some of our clients include:
Barrier By Design:
Scene Shields is a mobile, screen barrier that is an essential tool
for security teams and facility management to have on hand. These
barriers help provide secondary security screenings for patrons.
Scene Shields are easy to assemble and can block accident scenes or
cover construction areas. The BARRIERS can be used as temporary
barricades to closed sections of your venue, are used as crowd control
tools and offer privacy screening in sensitive situations to secure
locations and deal with sensitive situations. They can be customized
with any colors, logos, and marks.
Ci Fabrics:
California Industrial Fabrics is a leader in supplying venues, sports
tams, recreation centers, fairs, festivals and events with printed on
fabrics, vinyls, and scrim/mesh. CIF has been serving the sports and
entertainment space for over 50 years helping maximize sponsorship
exposure, environment creation, and venue decor and messaging. Venue
managers trust CIF to get their message across.
Lucid Drone Technologies:
Lucid Drone Technologies has creatively solved the problem of cleaning
the exterior and interior of buildings by taking workers off of
dangerous scaffolding, ladders and lifts. Disinfecting and cleaning
with a drone is faster, safer and smarter than traditional methods.
The Cleaning Drone (C1 Drone) uses soft washing methods to safely and
effectively clean the exterior of buildings. The Disinfecting Drone
(D1 Drone) uses spray nozzles to cover a wide area and disinfect the
areas of your venue your patrons, athletes, and entertainers expect to
be clean. By thoroughly disinfecting indoor spaces between events,
patrons will begin to feel comfortable returning to live events.